The support group (C.P.S.G.) is for people with pain, set up and managed by those who have pain. Our main objectives are to bring people together who are suffering from this debilitating illness within a ‘safe’ environment, to be able to share concerns and ideas, build friendships and obtain up-to-date information about handling their pain. Eventually we would like to provide a ‘corporate’ voice both locally and nationally.
Following a number of requests from patients and consultants, the Pain Clinic at West Suffolk Hospital was very keen to see a support group set up, and after considerable research and planning, we held our first informal get-together at the end of 2009 to establish interest in the group and what people wanted from the set-up. We drew up many ideas from a brainstorming session that was run by the hospital management, and from there we decided to meet again in January 2010, where we were joined by even more members to finalise the group’s structure and to nominate the committee members dedicated to furthering the group’s aims.
As the group is run for patients by patients, you can be as involved as little or as much as you are able - we welcome any contribution made by members. Please do feel free to contact us at any time, you will be made very welcome; our contact details are shown on the contacts page should you wish to discuss the group in more detail