Run by Patients for Patients

Please feel free to join us for all or some of this time.


Our group are made up from a variety of people who are experiencing pain for a number of reasons. Many have said how our group has helped them to feel less isolated and more able to cope with their condition. "Just getting together and knowing that people are in a similar position and who have struggled to get doctors to listen or felt that they are not believed and dismissed.  Getting together to talk about things that dont have anything to do with pain but being surrounded by people who understand, helps to get through the anxiety and the pain"


We are run by patients for patients and understand just how you feel. If you cannot make a meeting then please don’t worry, we are happy to keep you informed via our newsletter which can be posted or emailed. Just let us have your details.


The Chronic Pain Support Group has been featured on BBC Radio Suffolk, in addition, we have had a full page write up regarding our work in the  British Pain Society Journal ‘Pain News’.  Also in local newspapers, and the hospital internal newsletter.

Since 2017 we have had monthly articles published in a directory that serves two large areas of Bury St Edmunds. You may find us in another local publication  from time to time too.


This is YOUR group - please support us by sending in your comments and/or attending some of our meetings!

Chronic Pain Support Group

Bring People in Pain Together